Nederlandse Kooikerhondje Club of Southern California


Not all breeders are the same.
It's important to choose a breeder who is dilligent about improving the breed via health, structure, and temperament.
There is a lot of information to consider when choosing a breeder for your Kooikerhondje puppy. In order to help you choose the right breeder, we have gathered information on what you should know, ask, and do in order to make the best selection:
The Typical Personality of a Kooiker:
What is his/her temperament like?
Is he/she reserved or friendly with strangers?
How does he/she react to other dogs?
Are there any situations when he/she is anxious or uncomfortable and how do you manage those situations?
Ask the breeder if he/she knows what personality is typical for the breed and where those traits came from historically. Kooikerhondjes are naturally a little cautious and reserved which can come across as anxious, insecure or distant. They are sensitive to noises and usually have a strong bond with their owners. They used to work one on one with their handler in the duck “kooi” in the Netherlands. This is a quiet and secluded place.
What health tests have you performed?
Can I see the results of the OFA hip x-ray, the OFA eye exam, the OFA patella exam, and the Von Willebrand, Polymyositis, and ENM tests?
Have you done any other health testing and why?
What health issues do you see potentially in your dog's pedigree?
What health tests and results does the breeding partner have?
What do you know about health issues in this breed and how common are they?
Look up a specific Kooiker here
The Activity Level and Areas of Performance:
What types of training have you done with your dog and what results can you show me?
What does a typical day with your dog/s look like?
This will give you an idea what relationship the breeder has with their dogs and what he/she considers important and necessary for this breed.
Show or Conformation Results:
Have you ever shown your dogs at a dog show?
What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of your dog compared to the standard?
Again, this will give you an idea about the breeder’s knowledge and experience as well as honestly. This is also an opportunity to understand the decisions that your breeder makes when it comes to choosing breeding pairs.
Knowledge of the Breed:
Please explain to me what the breed was used for in the past?
Have you been to the Netherlands or have you seen a working duck kooi?
Have you been to any Kooikerhondje shows in Europe?
Have you had the chance to visit any breeders in Europe in person?
How many Kooikers have you seen/trained in your life?
Kennel-Specific Questions:
How often do you have a litter?
Do you breed other dog breeds?
What is the minimum age of a stud/bitch used for breeding?
How often will your female Kooiker be bred in her lifetime?
Why did you choose to breed your female to this stud dog?
Have you bred this combination before? If so, why are you repeating it?
Puppy Socialization:
How do you intend to socialize the litter and what training will the puppies receive?
The first weeks of life are so essential and the breeder can make a true difference in the life of any puppy. A breeder might take the extra step and do a puppy aptitude test, which will give a first impression on the temperament and drive of an individual puppy in a litter. Some breeders are devoted to socializing their puppies early around children, noises, other animals and new environments. It is even possible to start house and crate training at such a young age. Answers to those question will give you an idea how invested the breeder is into raising your puppy.